
Gardening Aids Service Banner

Our Target Road based team provide expert lawn mower repairs and services for valued customers across Auckland’s North Shore

We have a fully equipped repair shop with machine technicians who have been working in this industry for so long that they've pretty much seen and fixed every problem there is! Between them, they have a combined 100 years of experience. 

Go-to Gardening is more than just a lawnmower  store - we are proud to be the Wairau Valleys  premier specialised lawnmower repair and service shop and serve the wider Auckland area. Our custom-built workshop allows us to provide high-quality repairs and maintenance for all outdoor gardening equipment, including weed-eaters, blowers, chainsaws, water blasters, pumps, generators, commercial vacuums, chippers and log-splitters, post hole borers, Surron and UBCO Bikes and more. 

With our years of experience and custom-built workshop which includes hoists for ride on mowers and tractor mowers, we are able to cope with just about anything.

We offer servicing and repairs for pretty much any equipment from any brand, even if it wasn't bought through us, including: 

Push and robotic lawnmowers, electric line trimmers and weed-eaters, blowers, chainsaws, waterblasters, pumps, generators, commercial vacuums, chippers and log-splitters, post hole borers, Surron and UBCO Bikes and more!

Contact the friendly team today for more information on lawnmower sales and repairs. 



How to save money when booking a machine in for repair:

Give us the full story and the unusual behaviour of the machine i.e. sounds, smells, heat, anything which may help with a diagnosis.

Bring everything with you: hoses, extension cords, RCDs, chargers etc.

We charge a $60 technician charge to look at every job, whether it goes ahead or not.

This is redeemable on purchase, service or repair. If we find the machine will cost more than it's worth to fix, we will let you know.

Please note that in this case, the machine may be returned in a dismantled state as putting machines back together after stripping them down is time-consuming and it's impossible to re-assemble a machine without replacing gaskets, "O" rings etc. 

